2024 Drawing Class Schedule:
• Pre-registration is required for all classes.
Use the contact page to email me.
All classes meet at:
Nanogallery - 505 Front Street, upstairs #8, Berea

(on the corner of Lincoln and Front streets)
parking lot in the back of building or on street next to building
Thursday Nights - Fall dates coming...please check back later in the summer.
6 week session: $120.00  

If you're interested, please contact me using the contact page.

Beginning Drawing   - See below for a comment from a recent student
please contact me if you have interest.
6 week session - $120       

This fun class is for anyone who would like to learn to draw even if you don’t consider yourself an artist. Increase your brain power! Great for artists, too. Supply list emailed.
Please use contact page if you have interest for beginning drawing. 
Drawing (Beginning Drawing is prerequisite)
6 week session - $120  
This drawing class introduces more technique and tools and drawing practice building on the fundamentals of Beginning Drawing. Also drawing from live clothed models.
At the end of the beginner drawing, I hand out an evaluation sheet with several questions.
Here is one comment that I'd like to share...

Overall, did you enjoy this class?
What did you like the best?
Clear goals for each day that built on the previous one.  For me, what I see in the “how to draw” books is heavy on technical aspects of how to use pencils, what kind of pencil, how to start drawing with circles and boxes, etc. I learned that these technical skills are of secondary value and the primary skill needed to even start a drawing is to accurately see the subject…the right brain/left brain thing. The intro to the picture plane emphasized this point well for me.
The importance of seeing with the right side of the brain was made for me on the last day. I came basically unprepared for the final finished drawing. With a basic #2 pencil, an eraser, paper that I just happened to have, and some graphite… a decent drawing was achieved. Because I was more aware of the elements of the drawing, rather than the technical process…I was pleased with my drawing.
Bob, recent student of Beginning Drawing at Nanogallery

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